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Chalk Powder Activity

To celebrate the upcoming Purim, during spirit week STUCO organized a surprise activity at the end of the day on Friday, March 11. Lowerclassmen came to school in white attire, and upperclassmen came dressed in black. Yet, by the end of the day, everyone would be covered in white powder. The activity began at the conclusion of Shabbos Dancing, when, in a mad dash, the Seniors led the school outside. Waiting for their arrival, STUCO stood with a cart full of cups containing chalk powder. STUCO Co-President Leah Houben noted that making that much chalk powder took “hours” of preparation throughout the school day. But with the powder now ready, students eagerly grabbed the cups and began tossing the contents on each other. Rainbow chalk powder flew everywhere. After five minutes of frenzy, students found themselves thoroughly coated in the powder, which appeared white on their clothing. At this point, the Seniors picked up Shabbos Dancing again, singing “L’Shana Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim” as they danced on the ground now covered in rainbow dust. 

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